I followed most of the steps on this video of how to produce your own Vaporwave track: These complex layers in the process of sampling, remixing and copy-and-paste aesthetics have become an important part in the theoretical thinking of my practice. I then realised that, as the first available sample, it’s likely that someone has already made a Vaporwave track from this, and that what I’m doing could be completely unoriginal. This sample was actually interesting upon later reflections, as I was watching a YouTube video by the commentary channel Kurtis Conner, in several of his videos he uses this sample as background noise. I first took the first 80s elevator muzak royalty free sample I found on a quick google search:
Upon discovering Vaporwave, I found out how easy it was to recreate. As earlier stated, I knew this term that I was planning on incorporating sound into my practice, as internet music and its spaces because an important part of my research.